FabLab Chemnitz - Paths - Join/Order
Longest Continuous Path
Source of documentation: https://github.com/Daekkyn/inkscapeOptimizePath An Inkscape extension t...
Reverse Order Of Subpaths
Reverse order of subpaths (combined paths) without changing the direction of each subpath. W...
Move Path Node
Extension to change starting / end node of a path and visualize it by dots and numbers. You can a...
Duplicate + Reverse + Join
An extension to effectively convert a single line svg font to a stick font by duplicating, revers...
Circle Tangents (Replaced by Snap Objects Feature)
1. Draw some circles 2. Apply the extension You can have two different outputs: If you wa...
Chain Paths
Source of documentation: https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-chain-paths An inkscape extension...