MightyScape Extension Collection
FabLab Chemnitz - Modify existing Path(s)
FabLab Chemnitz - Paths - Join/Order
Longest Continuous Path
Source of documentation: https://github.com/Daekkyn/inkscapeOptimizePath An Inkscape extension t...
Reverse Order Of Subpaths
Reverse order of subpaths (combined paths) without changing the direction of each subpath. W...
Move Path Node
Extension to change starting / end node of a path and visualize it by dots and numbers. You can a...
Duplicate + Reverse + Join
An extension to effectively convert a single line svg font to a stick font by duplicating, revers...
Circle Tangents (Replaced by Snap Objects Feature)
1. Draw some circles 2. Apply the extension You can have two different outputs: If you wa...
Chain Paths
Source of documentation: https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-chain-paths An inkscape extension...
FabLab Chemnitz
Layer Clip
Original idea from http://www.pernsteiner.org/inkscape/layerclip/ Ported to Inkscape 1.0 by ht...
About/Upgrade MightyScape
Table Support
Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-tables/files/ Updated to be compatible with ...
Open Extension Directory
Just what it says to be! ... Opens the MightyScape main folder
An extension which allows to reload the drawing in case of any change without opening the fil...
A tool suite to run boolean operations multiple times, like Combine, Cut Path, Division, Exclusio...
Simple Inkscape (Interface)
Source: https://inkscape.org/~Mr.Raven/%E2%98%85simpleinkscapev01+2 Original description: Thi...
Ray Tracing
Sources: https://inkscape.org/de/~dbloch/%E2%98%85ray-optics https://github.com/damienBloch/i...
Integrated into default Import/Export Menu
Encapsulated PostScript - AI compatible (*.eps)
Source of documentation: https://github.com/tzunghaor/inkscape-eps-export AI compatible EPS expo...
FreeCAD Sketch Export
Photoshop PSD (*.psd)
Requires gimp to be installed. The command gimp needs to be in %PATH% ($PATH)
WebP Import
Import *.webp image files using ImageMagick conversion. Routine is webp → png → svg → write into ...
Roland CutStudio *.eps Export
See Open in Roland CutStudio. This extension does the same export but it will not call CutStudio....
FabLab Chemnitz Boxes.py
Boxes.py is an Open Source box generator written in Python. It features both finished parametrize...