HowTo: lint and validate *.inx files
For validation purposes of all inx files we can use the following step:
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install libxml2-utils # install require stuff
cd ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/mightyscape-1.2/extensions/fablabchemnitz
./ # does not support linting for deeper folders (no recurse)
# or lint a single file in an extensions' dir:
cd <yourExtension>
xmllint --noout --relaxng ../inkscape.extension.rng *.inx
If there is an error message instead of the export/import dialog, check the file or console log from Inkscape:
Counting INX files and folders:
cd ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/mightyscape-1.2/extensions/fablabchemnitz
find ./ -type f -name "*.inx" | wc -l
ls -d */ | wc -l
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