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103 Ergebnisse gesamt

To Absolute

In-house Extensions

This extension simply transform paths from relative coordinates to absolute coordinate. The path's "d" attribute will be reconfigured to get uppercase command letters  like A C M Z V H L instead of a c m z v h l.

Convert Vertical/Horizontal To Line

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz - Modify existing Path(s)

This extension converts an SVG path's d attribute the following way: find each V (vertical line) and each H (horizontal line) and replace it by a generic line (L type). A lot of extensions do not work with V and H, but with L commands. So this is just a helper...

Longest Continuous Path

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz - Paths - Join/Order

Source of documentation: https://github.com/Daekkyn/inkscapeOptimizePath An Inkscape extension that tries to make the longest continuous paths. It converts the paths to a graph, converts the graph to an Eulerian graph and finds an Eulerian cycle. It was writt...

Reverse Order Of Subpaths

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz - Paths - Join/Order

Reverse order of subpaths (combined paths) without changing the direction of each subpath. When drawing paths and combining these the order of the subpaths is from the last to the first drawn. This extension reverse the order of the subpaths and thus the ...

Move Path Node

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz - Paths - Join/Order

Extension to change starting / end node of a path and visualize it by dots and numbers. You can also use this extension as a trimmer for open paths. It is additionally highly useful when using the function to map text to path. By moving the node, the mapped pa...

Duplicate + Reverse + Join

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz - Paths - Join/Order

An extension to effectively convert a single line svg font to a stick font by duplicating, reversing and joining each selected path and subpath. Read more on http://cutlings.wasbo.net/single-line-font-to-stick-font

Circle Tangents (Replaced by Snap Objects Feature)

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz - Paths - Join/Order

1. Draw some circles 2. Apply the extension You can have two different outputs: If you want to get sort of tangents at the path's point handles instead you can also try to run the extension Draw Handles

Chain Paths

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz - Paths - Join/Order

Source of documentation: https://github.com/fablabnbg/inkscape-chain-paths An inkscape extension to combine paths. Like really combining path snippets into longer paths. The stock inkscape path operation "combine" does not do that. It only creates a single pa...

Layer Clip

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz

Original idea from http://www.pernsteiner.org/inkscape/layerclip/ Ported to Inkscape 1.0 by https://gitlab.com/jczapla79/inkscape-extension-layer-clip Fixed and ported to Inkscape 1.2+ by Mario Voigt Usage See an example with screenshots Clip contai...

About/Upgrade MightyScape

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz

Table Support

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz

Source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscape-tables/files/ Updated to be compatible with InkScape 1.2+ The functions "Duplicate Table" and "Fit Guides" options were removed due to defectness Possible actions to perform Create Add Colums Row...

Open Extension Directory

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz

Just what it says to be! ... Opens the MightyScape main folder


MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz

An extension which allows to reload the drawing in case of any change without opening the file in a new window. Helpful if the file is opened and changes in background by another instance of Inkscape or any routine which processes and overwrites it in the ...


MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz

A tool suite to run boolean operations multiple times, like Combine, Cut Path, Division, Exclusion, Intersection, Difference, Union. This extension takes a selection of one or more groups, or of several elements (paths, shapes, text), or a mix of both, and app...

Simple Inkscape (Interface)

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz

Source: https://inkscape.org/~Mr.Raven/%E2%98%85simpleinkscapev01+2 Original description: This extension changes the Inkscape interface into a simpler one. It hides quite some elements from the menus and toolbars so that a more basic version of the interf...

Ray Tracing

MightyScape Extension Collection FabLab Chemnitz

Sources: https://inkscape.org/de/~dbloch/%E2%98%85ray-optics https://github.com/damienBloch/inkscape-raytracing

Encapsulated PostScript - AI compatible (*.eps)

MightyScape Extension Collection Integrated into default Import/Export Menu

Source of documentation: https://github.com/tzunghaor/inkscape-eps-export AI compatible EPS export for Inkscape 0.92 (might work with older versions too). This script converts an Inkscape SVG to Adobe Illustrator 7 compatible EPS. The generated EPS file uses ...

FreeCAD Sketch Export

MightyScape Extension Collection Integrated into default Import/Export Menu

Photoshop PSD (*.psd)

MightyScape Extension Collection Integrated into default Import/Export Menu

Requires gimp to be installed. The command gimp needs to be in %PATH% ($PATH)

WebP Import

MightyScape Extension Collection Integrated into default Import/Export Menu

Import *.webp image files using ImageMagick conversion. Routine is webp → png → svg → write into Inkscape canvas. You might need to install ImageMagick. The command "magick" or "convert" needs to be in path variable. sudo dnf install ImageMagick #install on ...